rlvm 0.3 released!

04 Oct 2008
Tags: rlvm

Work has been started on getting CLANNAD playable under rlvm. Nagisa’s route is playable to the end, minus the MPEG video. rlvm now remembers the CG viewed. User selections are now usable and don’t lock up the interpreter. Despite all this, CLANNAD support is far from complete. There are still several graphical glitches and unimplemented opcodes.

In addition, there are several stability fixes. The race condition in the BGM system has been fixed. Scrolling through Planetarian’s backlog no longer crashes.

Old links removed


  1. Wow, this is looking awesome. I tried it with Clannad and an unoffical english patch, and it’s working mostly as you said it would. It may be a bit early to start making requests, but just some things to note:

    Allow use of the “enter” key to advance dialog. Currently, only return works.

    When english text is displayed, it is too big for the line height and looks bad, also the letters are too far apart. All together, it’s readable but looks *bad*. It would be awesome if there was some way to switch fonts, next release.

    When viewing Clannad backlog, the only way to get back to the present is by clicking. Normally, you can at least use return, if not enter.

    All in all, thanks a tonne for your hard work on this!

    (Oh yeah, any chance of save compatibility? ^^ I don’t know how far-fetched this is, please ignore my if it’s unreasonable)

  2. When english text is displayed, it is too big for the line height and looks bad, also the letters are too far apart. All together, it’s readable but looks *bad*.

    I am not surprised; I’ve hard coded the Japanese text model into rlvm,
    much like RealLive does. I don’t have short term plans to support
    English/Korean/Chinese fan patches. Obviously, this is one of the big
    long term goals on the agenda once unmodified Clannad is rock solid.
    The problem is that rldev will generate bytecode that requires
    Haeleth’s rlBabel DLL to work correctly. I am not entirely sure what
    to do about this and therefore have been putting it off. The easiest
    option is to make a compatibility rlbabel-rlvm.kh file and require
    everyone who wants to make a patch to compile it in, much as people
    use Haeleth’s rlbabel.kh. It’s not a convenient solution, but it may
    be the only way. I’ve only done preliminary work on this, though, as I
    think there’s still more important work to be done (i.e. stop crashing
    on Kotomi’s route).

    (Oh yeah, any chance of save compatibility? ^^ I don’t know how far-fetched this is, please ignore my if it’s unreasonable)

    This will never happen. The official RealLive.exe appears to simply
    dump its in memory structures into a binary file and no one (to my
    knowledge) has seriously tried to reverse engineer it. Even if someone
    did the prerequisite reverse engineering work, both creating and
    maintaining the mapping between RealLive.exe and rlvm’s in memory data
    structures would take significant effort for little benefit. I’d
    rather spend that time on getting voice files working, reverse
    engineering the tonecurve files or HIK animations, et cetera.